A) Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Vikas Bharti , Bishunpur partnered with Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) for establishing Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Gumla district to support the rural community in enhancing Agricultural productivity by introducing new technology to the farmers.

B) Van Vigyan Kendra, Balatu
Project Van Vigyaan Kendra now upgraded to as Singi Dai Van Vigyan Kendra, Balatu by NSDC, New Delhi has been started by Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur in Balatu village, Narma panchayat, Bishunpur block, Gumla district in the year 2004 and presently it covers the area of 9.6 acre constituting with herbal and medicinal herbs, plants and trees. Purpose of starting it to improve the living standard of the villagers through practising horticulture and making use of forest medicines.
Achievements :
1. As the centre is utmost of it’s kind so visitors from across the state, neighbouring states like Bihar, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, etc regularly visit the centre with the number in total of lumpsum of 2 to 3 thousands per year.
2. For training and knowledge information gathering purposes , Students from different State and Central Universities, farmers from different States and from across the Jharkhand, SHGs and number of Entrepreneurs have regularly visited the centre. They get the knowledge regarding identification of
medicinal plants, ways of farming, their usages and benefits.
3. Fruits like Mango, Litchi, guava, etc seasonal vegetables , medicinal plants and aromatic plants are exported to other states as according to their demands. People from different regions are giving their positive feedback related to the quality of the products.