Since from the establishment of Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur the organization lays emphasis on the access of quality health facility to all. Vikas Bharti believe that to combat the adverse situation of the poor and vulnerable groups, there is need for an integrated approach to work on health, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene. At it’s starting days the organization worked over spreading awareness among the people towards their health issues. Later on the organization is working as a technical agency for the state health programs. Overall Vikas Bharti has managed many such programmes that aims at improvisation of the same within a short tenure of sponsored projects with the major objective is to assist the Government through the establishment of an effective mechanism in a decentralized manner.
Health Services
1.Kalyan Hospital Banmakri, East Singhbhum
Vikas Bharti is running a full- fledge hospital in one of the most backward and remote area of Jharkhand named as Grameen Hospital Banmakri (Kalyan Hospital Banmakri) under the Tribal Welfare Department, Govt of Jharkhand now renamed to ITDA Grameen Hospital under Gudabandha block in the East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. Set up in 2009 with an aim to provide health care services to the tribal population living in remote and difficult locations. The service area of this hospital covers more than 10 sq kms including some parts of Odisha as well covering about 139 villages . This 50 bedded hospital has provision to provide health care services through OPD and in-house treatment. The severly malnourished children are treated in the Malnutrition Treatment Centre. The hospital also organizes eye care camps, free counselling services in family planning, free distribution of medicine. Facilities provided at the hospital are OPD, IPD, X-Ray, Pathology Test, Surgery, Medical Camps, etc.
2. Kalyan Hospital Hesal Basardih, Lohardaga
Vikas Bharti Bishunpur has started to operate the second hospital in Hesal, Lohardaga in collaboration with the state Government , Jharkhand under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode . This 50 bedded hospital is providing quality health care services to the poor , especially to the tribal communities. The hospital provides a number of health care facilities like OPD, IPD, X- Ray, Pathological services, Minor Operation, Family Planning, Ambulance, Dental Care, Eye Care, ANC/PNC, Free Medicine.
3. Sukka Birijia Smriti Hospital, Bishunpur
Chotanagpur plateau has always been suffering from diseases such as malaria and diarrhoea. To address such health related issues, a medical dispensary named Jeevan Jyoti Arogya Niketan (The Initial name of Sukka Birijia Smriti Hospital) was established by Vikas Bharti in 1984 at Bishunpur. This dispensary provides primary health care services to the local residents so as to prevent them from local diseases (Maleria, Typhoid, Anemia, Pneumonia and Diabetes). Most of the beneficiaries recieving health care facilities are the tribals coming from the adjacent villages of Gumla, Lohardaga and Latehar district. Facilities at the hospital are OPD, IPD, Minor surgery, X-Ray, ECG, Pathological service, Other hospital referral, Medical camps, etc
4. National Mobile Medical Unit (NMMU)
In FY 11-12 it has been proposed to provide 37 more MMUs to the NGOs in order to cater hard to reach, unserved , underserved areas. Vikas Bharti has covered all the 24 districts of Jharkhand by running 27 MMUs that deals with the problems related to geographical barriers, poor mobility support for the field staffs , deficiency of manpoweralong with equipments , lack of awareness and also it provides an edge to the people of disadvantaged socio and economic class. NMMU has played an important role in the identification and referral of diseases mentioned under National Programme. Health service delivery was given to over 46 lakh patients through NMMU in Jharkhand. Facilities at NMMUs were Medical Advice, Medicine, ECG, X-Ray and Blood Test along with the services such as Curative, Reproductive & Child Health Services, Family Planning Services, Diagnostic , etc .
5. Maternal and Child Health Care (VISTAAR)
Project VISTAAR started in the year 2009 was supported by USAID, has provided technical assistance to the Government of Jharkhand for improving the health and nutritional status of the mother, children aged under 2 years and adolescent girls . Under this project Vikas Bharti has worked in 6 districts of Jharkhand namely Koderma, Godda,Sahebgunj, Chatra, Latehar and Garhwa.
6. Combatting Maleria and Diarrhoea
Vikas Bharti realize that with the awareness on preventive measures the incidences of maleria can be reduced. Every year, for preventive measures it focusses on water and vector borne diseases especially with the onset of rains. It is a month long campaign covering almost all blocks of Jharkhand . Campaign involves community meetings, health check-up camps, use of awareness materials, applications of bleeching powder, medicated mosquito net and providing linkages with the Government programmes.
7. United Dialogue and Action against Non-Communicable Disorders (UDAAN)
The project aims at achieving our national goal of reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure and cardio vascular diseases). The project targets to cover 100 villages from 32 Gram Panchayats of Kanke block of Ranchi. It is making aware people through massive awareness campaign about administering and preventing spread of non-communicable diseases.