MGNREGs NRlM-CFT Convergence Project
To enhance the income of rural people, the organisation is supporting the Rural Development Department to create more person days of labourers at community level by creating the platform through community mobilization activities. NRLM-MGNREGs-CFT Convergence Project is an initiative of Department of Rural Development, Government of India to improve quality implementation of MGNREGs. Vikas Bharti Bishunpur is implementing CFT Project in 5 blocks of Gumla and Lohardaga districts. Gumla Sadar, Ghaghra & Palkot blocks in Gumla district and Kuru and Senha block of Lohardaga district respectively. 5 blocks, 82 panchayats and 223 revenue villages are covered under the project. Vikas Bharti Bishunpur is implementing CFT project since 1st August, 2014.
The Objective of the project is to strengthen the implementation of MGNREGs by facilitation & capacity building of CBOs, SHG Collectives, labourers, PRI Members, MGNREGs functionaries and Gram Panchayats. The ultimate obiective of the project is to increase in demand to provide at least 60 person days by the end of 2nd year and 75 person days by the end of the third year to every active ST/SC job cards/house hold. After 3 years income will increase at least 25%.
Yojna Banao Abhiyan (YBA)
CFT Team of Vikas Bharti Bishunpur actively participated & supported “Yojana Banao Abhiyan” (05th January, 2016 to 25th February, 2016) as a CFT Team and SRT (State Resource Team) to prepare Village Development Plan for MGNREGs and 14th Finance Commission for 82 Gram Panchayats of Gumla and Lohardaga districts. 10 members of CFT team trained as a State Resource Team, who have supported district, Block and panchayats administration in training of PPT (Panchayat Planning Team) and 3 days Tola Sabha /Gram Sabha (planning process) to prepare Annual Action Plan / Village Development plan. CFT team supported 597 Tola Sabha during the abhiyan.
SRT members facilitated different YBA activities:
- Training of Panchayat Planning Team (PPT) on YBA.
- District & Block Level workshop on YBA
- PRI Members Training on YBA
- Training of SHG Members on YBA
- Training of PRI Members on Panchayat Karyakarini Baithak
- Tola Level Planning
- Awareness Generation activities
- Support in Documentation
One CFT Member Trained as SRG (State Resource Group) for GPDP (Gram Panchayat Development Plan) under Panchayat Raj Department.
Thereafter, YBA training cum workshops were organized at Panchayat, Block and District levels to entrust responsibilities to the stakeholders of YBA including the PRI representatives at different level.
Strengthening of local Governance (PRI)
The organization believes that for development of country it is necessary to strengthen local governance. The democracy starts from the village level. Before election a state level voter sensitization programme was organized on 4th November, 2015 by the organization at Ranchi to make the community aware about importance of Panchayat Representative and right selection
Youth Mobilization
The Organization sincerely appreciates the fact that in India, Social change can be transformed from an illusive dream to a concrete reality through youth mobilization in the society. The organization realizes their potential and creates platform for youths to bring revolutionary changes. It organizes number of youth festivals and seminars on different issues. During this year following activities were organized :•
- Swami Vivekanand Football Tournament was organized from 15th August to 31st October in Gumla, Lohardaga, Latehar, Ranchi district of Jharkhand.
- Yuva Vikas Shivir organized on 7th September 2015 at Bishunpur, Gumla.
- Mairathan and Cycle race for boys and girls was organized from 1st October to 3rd October 2015 in Gumla, Lohardaga and Latehar district.