Success Stories
- Self Sufficient - Sumun Munda
- She is Self Dependent - Barkha Rani
- Development of model villages through integrated planning and multiple interventions
- Background
- Framework condition of Sato Village
- Vikas Bharti’s Approach to Development of Sato Village
- Sato village prior to the intervention of Vikas Bharti
- The following figures shows the food availability of the 52 families residing in Sato village before 1986
- Paradigm Shift at SATO
- The following figures portray the situation of 98 families of SATO village
- Social organisation, institutions in the village
- Prosperity of SATO is determined by the following Components
- Prakash Bhagat from Village Sato
- Birendra Mahali from Salam Nawatoli
- Birjia Family knocking the door of Prosperity
- Angenila Minz supplying Jamun Sirika to entire Jharkhand
- Shushila Oraon well known for Pickle Making
- Spice Production splendid effort of Mr. Ranjit Bhagat
- Successful Operation of Panic Abscess
- Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
- Breaking the Shackles of Exploitation
- Changing Lives through Alternative Education
- Quenching Mother Nature’s Thirst
- A Real Change in My Life – Mohabati Nayak
- Way of Income Generation : Helarose Toppo
- Adolescent’s Outlook
The main thrust area for all round development and prosperity of the village shall be to improve the economic condition of the people living in the area, generate self employment, improve healthcare, education, basic amenities, ecology etc. A comprehensive study of socio economic status, natural resources and basic amenities of the area is essential to understand the development pattern. To evolve the participatory approach for preparing perspective plan and implementation will encourage the villagers to think positively, analyze systematically and respond properly to the development process. It is envisaged that participation at planning and implementation level would bring confidence in them. Vikas Bharti Bishunpur has long experience on different areas for Conceptualization, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of the programme with Government, Industry and other agencies at grass root level. Vikas Bharti started its activities way back in 1983 at Bishunpur Block of Gumla District.
The block was then considered to be the most backward and uncommunicative. Vikas Bharti started its development campaign with education, health and sanitation development of the tribal groups including primitive tribes of Bishunpur. The entire Bishunpur hill was malaria prone area .The team started working for the community by making them aware of health and sanitation issues. During mid 80s Primitive tribal group of Bishunpur block was totally cutoff from the outside world. They were dependent on forest resources and hunting of wild animals was their mainstay.
Persevered effort of Vikas Bharti over a period of 28 years brought significant change in the whole Bishunpur area. The area is now considered as the most swiftly developing Blocks of Jharkhand. Many Organizations, national and foreign agencies, government officials are visiting the area on frequent manner to witness the development models created by Vikas Bharti Bishupur. Vikas Bharti has identified 24 villages to be developed as model villages in Bishunpur. Out of these 24, Sato is one village where paradigm shift and fruits of development are already visible. Here is a brief description of the framework situation and journey towards prosperity of the villagers of Sato village.

Framework condition of Sato Village
“SATO” a Small tribal Village of Bishunpur Block of Gumla district situated at high altitude and surrounded by hills and mountain. The village is inhabited mostly by the tribal population they have very limited scope for agriculture due to rain fed farming and limited off-farm employment opportunities. Sato village is around 12 kms from Block headquarter Bishunpur..
Condition of Sato Village | |
Number of Adult Female | 160 |
Number of Children | 282 |
Number of family | 98 |
Number of tola | 2 |
Number of Primary School | 1 |
Number of Middle School | 1 |
Post office | 1 |
Angan Wadi Centre | 1 |
Land Ownership details | |
Possessing more than 5 acres | 35 families |
Possessing 2to 5 acres | 52 families |
Less than 2 acres | 11 families |
Source of Irrigation | |
Rain water | Sato Dam |
Vikas Bharti’s Approach to Development of Sato Village
The word ‘Empowerment’ implies augmentation of confidence level, co-operation level and capital availability for the communities. To achieve these three dimensions of empowerment peoples participation right from the planning to implementation stage is of immense importance. In Sato village Vikas Bahrti ensured full participation and involvement of people in executing various activities.
For promotion of internal co-operation and motivation within individuals and groups, Vikas Bharti focused on institution building, along with establishing of linkages and networks with individuals, agencies and groups having common interests. These institutions are then mobilized and motivated to undertake advocacy campaigns at the grassroots for bringing about societal changes and fight for their rights and entitlements.
For building confidence within the communities Vikas Bharti focused in capacitating the target community groups and individuals. Along with capacitating vulnerable sections of the society, modern technologies were introduced and preservation and refinement of the indigenous technologies were given special attention
For enhancing capital availability to the communities promotion of physical, financial, human, social and natural capital development, creation and conservation were given special attention. Besides strengthening the existing government services not only for the qualitative improvement of these services but also to increase community’s access to these available services were ensured by the organisation.
Several campaigns were initiated to save the identity, culture and rights of tribal people. People were made aware about sustainable utilization of forest resources and proper management of natural resources so as to meet the social, ecological, economic cultural and spiritual requirements. Health,Education and livelihood promotion activities were initiated by developing models keeping into account the behavioral pattern of the community. Special attention was given on Agriculture promotion, an unique SATO dam was constructed at a height of 2000 ft. which became an eye opener for agriculture planners and engineers. The construction work became successful due to the full cooperation, involvement and sacrifice of the local residents of village Sato. The Dam became a big source of irrigation and changed the entire scenario of the village.

Sato village prior to the intervention of Vikas Bharti
Till mid 80s Sato village was totally cut off from the mainstream. The main occupation of the tribals was farming which was totally dependent on vagaries of nature. More than 60% families were engaged in labour work to sustain their livelihood. Majority of the people of Sato are the followers of Tana Bhagat the famous freedom fighter of Jharkhand. Primary education facility was made available in the village during 60s therefore people were quite aware about the importance of education and many children from the village opted for higher education. The main problem was absence of livelihood opportunity. More than 50% households were facing acute shortage of resource for sustenance. Rainfed agriculture together with small land holding contributed to low crop yield. Only one crop paddy was cultivated before the construction of Sato Dam.
The following figures shows the food availability of the 52 families residing in Sato village before 1986
Number of families having | food for whole year | 12 |
Number of families having | food for 6 to 10 months | 26 |
Number of families having | food for less than 6 months | 14 |
Number of families taking two | crops a year | 0 |
Number of families producing | Vegetables | 0 |
Paradigm Shift at SATO
Construction of Sato Dam at a height of 2000 ft. became an eye opener for agriculture planners and engineers. It created immense enthusiasm amongst the people. The way people participated in the whole construction period became an example for development planners and executers. The entire village got water to irrigate their land. Gradually people started taking two crops in a year. Now the village is famous for vegetable cultivation and multiple livelihood activities.
The following figures portray the situation of 98 families of SATO village
Number of |
families having food for whole year and
available surplus |
28 |
Number of | families having food for whole year | 59 |
Number of | families having food for 8 to 11 months | 11 |
Number of | families having food for less than 8 months | 0 |
Number of | families taking two crops a year | 27 ( 27 acres) |
Number of | families producing Vegetables | 23 ( 11 acres) |
Social organisation, institutions in the village
Women Self | Help groups | -5 |
Kisan Club | -1 | |
Seed production | group | -1 |
Village Health | Committee | -1 |
Village | education committee | -1 |
Prosperity of SATO is determined by the following Components
- Animal husbandry: 53 Families have milch animals. 39 families are getting milk whole throughout the year. 12 families are making Ghee from Surplus milk. Every year before the mansoon season necessary vaccines are given to livestocks at a common place on a particular day. Community organizes the whole vaccination programme by the facilitation of Vikas Bharti. Number of livestocks in the
- village is 764
- Surplus Agriculture and Horticulture Production: More than 40 families are selling agriculture produce and horticulture produce in the market.
- Processing: members of the 5 self help groups are engaged in Mushroom, Pickle and Vermi Compost Production. These items are being marketed in the brand name of VIKAS through Swablamban Dhara Unit of Vikas Bharti Bishunpur.
- Health care and hygiene: Health and hygiene practices are followed by the villagers from long before. Village committee itself monitors the functioning of Angan wadi centre.
- Education: Male literacy rate is 80% and female literacy rate is 69%
- Market: Market linkage of the producers with Swawalamban Dhara unit.
Leelmuni Devi & Ratiya Oraon from Village Langratarh
Ratiya Oraon and Leelmuni Devi both have taken horticulture training at Vikas Bharti Bishunpur Van Vigyan Kendra , Balatu. They were encouraged towards farming by giving seeds of vegetables and fruit plants like mango, litchi, guava etc to them. In current scenario they are earning about 50-60 thousands of extra income yearly from fruits and vegetables farmings. Their house along with farming land are road sided thus were considered barren by the previously people coming across the land but now the scenario have totally changed now these areas are covered with fruits trees and green – leafy vegetable .
Amit Oraon from Village Gondrotoli, Panchayat- Nagar, Block- Sisai, District-Gumla
Amit Oraon , Age-37 years a resident of Gondrotoli village owns 1.5 acre of land have taken skill training of LAC cultivation and crop production technology under ARYA intervention. From here he got input support like Brood Lac (Kusmi), solid cerate , PVC tripal , seeds and agricultural small tools. As a result of these trainings he earned a net income through agriculture of Rs 1.01 lakhs and from Lac cultivation his net income is of Rs 2.25 lakhs. Now his family earnings have improved and now he is motivating others from his village towards agricultural training.
Sumi Oraon from Village- Chota Aiyatu, Panchayat- Ruki, Block- Ghagra, District-Gumla
Sumi Oraon, Age-26 years a resident of Chota Aiyatu village owns 2 acre of land have taken skill training of Goat farming , mushroom cultivation , crop production technology and nursery management under Arya intervention. From here she got input suppoty like improved goat breed (Black Bengal), goat shelter, vaccination and clinical service for goats, mushroom spawn, seeds and agricultural small tools. She also have been given soil health card. As a result of these trainings she earned a net income through agriculture of Rs 1.25 lakhs and from goat farming her net income is of Rs 0.52 lakhs.
Mamta Kumari , Father’s name - Sri Sukhu Tanti, Address - Village- Raja Kunjla, PO- Bichna, PS- Murhu , District- Khunti
Mamta Kumari daughter of Sri Sukhu Tanti is a resident of Raja Kunjla village. Her father is a farmer and farming was the only source of her family income. Mamta has attended a three month skill development training programme under which she has learned tailoring . After her training was over she has opened a tailoring shop at her own house. Through deigning and making of desiner blouse and piko –fall now she is supporting her family with monthly earning upto of Rs 8,000.
Biren Mohali , Father’s name - Sri Karmu Mohali, Address - Village- Ghasipur, District- Dumka
Biren Mohali Son of Sri Karmu Mohali is a resident of Ghasipur village. His family economic condition is very poor . His father is a farmer and struggle daily so as to earn for his livelihood. Due to his poor family condition his has completed his education just upto Class X. Biren has taken skill development training from Jan shikshan Santhan , Dumka in the trade of assistant craftsman bamboo craft free of cost. Now Biren is making different crafts of Bamboo at his home and selling them in the market. Now he is supporting is family financially by earning per month upto of Rs 9,000 to 10,000.
Sushma Kumari , Father’s name - Sri Vinod Ram Address - Village- Chhatarpur, District- Garhwa
Sushma Kumari daughter of Sri Vinod Ram is a resident of Chhatarpur village. Her father is working as a driver and struggle a lot to earn for their livelihood. She has taken her skill development training from Jan Shikshan Sansthan , Garhwa in self employed tailoring and handicraft and that to be free of cost. After her training from JSS , she has independently opended a tailoring shop at her resident house and now she is supporting her family financially by earning per month upto of Rs 4,500.
Medei Lamay, W/o Champa Lamay, Jema Lamay, W/o Kaira Lamay Village - Binj, Panchayat-Bhoya, Block-Khutpani, District -West Singhbhum
This is under the “Establishment of Biotech – Kisan Hub” A special training programme to promote goat rearing as a means of income generation for tribal families took off in West Singbhum district of Jharkhand. Since the district's hilly topography is congenial for goat keeping, the Vikas Bharti has selected two families namely Medei Lamay wife of Champay Lamay and Jema Lamay wife of Kaira Lamay from Binj village of Khutpani block the district. The beneficiaries got trained. After the three-day training, the tribal women got good breed of the goat. Under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India sponsored special economic assistance program, we initiated the training programme to make the project a success. The beneficiaries now have good source of income as they are earning money by selling the next generation goats in the market. It is a good source of economic support for them.
Usha Kumari , Father’s Name - Late Shiwram , Village - Barpani, District-Simdega
Usha Kumari doughter of Late Shiwram Das is busy preparing 250gm-packets of oyster mushrooms at her home in Barpani village of Simdega district. It is a tribal hamlet of remote areas in the district in Jharkhand. The packets of the much sought after mushrooms will sell for Rs.50 each in Ranchi and Jamshedpur towns. Usha is a mushroom entrepreneur, cultivating them in a corner of her house and earning enough to support her family. The beneficiaries have been trained by Vikas Bharti under the above said project. “Unlike vegetables or cereal crops, mushrooms do not require much manual labour, financial investment or time. Mushrooms have a short growth cycle and its cultivation is a good option for women to become financially independent,” says Usha Kumari. The produce easily finds a market as mushrooms are a part of indigenous food of Jharkhand’s tribal communities including as well as non-tribals. Besides oysters, other varieties like button mushroom and the rare rugda, which grows under Sal trees during monsoon, are also integral to Jharkhand’s food culture. With limited livelihood options in our village, mushroom cultivation has opened a new avenue for increasing incomes as it has a ready market. We find local buyers and are also able to sell it in Ranchi and Jamshedpur, says Usha Kumari. The land in our area is mostly barren. Barring tomatoes and some paddy cultivation during monsoon, there is not much scope for growing other crops,” the beneficiary says. Besides, meeting the water requirements of crops is expensive as well as difficult, almost ruling out agriculture as an occupation for women in this region, she adds. Oyster mushrooms can grow at temperatures upwards of 20 degree Celsius with humidity of 55-70 percent. “The cultivation season starts in August and lasts till March or April,” says Usha, adding she are now able to cultivate it in summer also. The process begins with cutting paddy straw into 2-inch pieces. Then the straw is soaked in warm water for a few hours. Subsequently, it is air-dried while retaining about 70 percent moisture and spawn is mixed. This mixture is then filled in polythene bags on which perforations are made. The bags are tied and kept in a dark humid place with a temperature between 24 and 30 degree Celsius. In about 20 days, the straw is covered with hyphae and the bags are hung with a string at a minimum gap of 30 cm from each other. Small growth appears in a few days and the first flush of mushrooms is harvested in a total of about 35 days. The second harvest is ready again after a gap of 35 to 40 days followed by the third and final harvest. The output declines with subsequent harvests, but a kg of seeds end up giving up to 12 kg mushroom. Dried mushrooms can be rehydrated with warm water before use. Their nutty, subtle flavour makes them a good addition to soups, sauces and stews. Having tasted success with mushrooms, more and more women in Simdega are now taking up its cultivation. “We are looking at it as a full-fledged business going forward. We are going to every house and asking other women to join us,” Usha adds.
Dibya Tirkey , Husband Name - Shital Barla , Village - Bhanwarpani, Panchayat-Barabarpani, District -Simdega
With an aim to utilize kitchen waste, Dibya Tirkey, wife of Shital Barla, of village Bhawarpani, panchayat Barabarpani in Simdega district bought piglets of improved breeds from from Vikas Bharti. She got the training on “Capacity building of Pig Farmers” and She was fortunate enough to attend it. Dibya could conceive scientific methods of pig farming. Good breeds, housing and feed management, healthcare and marketing strategies in pig rearing were discussed in the programme by the expert scientists. In the mean time she could manage to construct two rooms for the pig rearing. She bought five females and male piglets to start my dream project. Consistent support and expert knowhow of Vikas Bharti, made me feel confident in going with the project. She could attend a number of programme organized by Organisation both on and off the farms. Now She is quite ambitious with the project. Her first batch of five pigs started furrowing piglets one after other after about a year. She could fetch good returns from the first lot by selling about 32 piglets for Rs 35200/-. She is now happy and confident on this enterprise and it is proving to flourish in the days to come.
Indu Tirkey , Husband - Mangra Tirkey , Trained in Skill - Self Employed Tailor , Place of Skill Training - Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Ranchi Parent Organization - Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur Village - Hehal, Post- Hehal, Block- Ratu, Ranchi,
She belongs to tribal community. Her family condition was very poor. While socializing with local women, she learnt about 'Self Help Group' and she became a member of 'Self Help Group' in Hehal. Her husband is a small farmer but his earning is not enough to run a family.Indu was desperately in search of employment to support her family but she was getting only daily wage job of household chores, labour at construction sites etc. She was school dropout hence; better job option was nil for her. She was married at her early age hence; family begins at early age with 2 girls and a boy (three children).Her family income was very low to meet the requirements. Indu could not complete her education due to poverty but she dreamt of good future for her children. She was looking for better option for getting a good job to earn better. One day, during SHG meeting, Indu got to know about free of cost skill training programs being provided in Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Ranchi. She was very happy to know about it. One day she happened to meet Ms. Rakhi Bhagat, Filed Coordinator, JSS Ranchi at Hehal. Indu discussed with her personally about the training courses and scope of employment after completion of training. Then she immediately enrolled herself for 'Self Employed Tailor' Program for 2021-22 batches. After successfully completion of 'Self Employed Tailor' course, Indu (as she already was a member of SHG) opted for loan of sum Rs. 55,000 from Self Help Group. She opened a small shop of readymade garments at her residence. These garments were prepared by Indu. She also started selling her garments at local market as well as by putting stalls in the seasonal local melas (organized before festivals). Indu gradually became popular among local women as a small scale business woman in the town. Her husband has been very cooperative to her; he accompanies her in putting up stalls in melas and in managing customers. Indu is specialized in Tribal Traditional Attire for men, women and children in Ranchi. Wife Husband duo is famous for this unique tribal attire. Her income per month varies between Rs.17-20,000 per month. During tribal festival, Indu is overloaded with orders hence; she engages known women (who are trained with her in JSS Ranchi). She and her husband are satisfied with their hard work and earnings. Her eldest daughter is enrolled in Intermediate after Matric, another daughter is in standard 6th and the youngest son is in standard 3rd at Kendriya Vidyalaya. As Indu could not complete her education due to poverty and early marriage, she wants her daughters to pursue higher study with a career. Indu wishes to complete her Intermediate through NIOS, she is happy with her achievement and expresses her gratitude to Jan Shikshan Sansthan. JSS has been very helpful to her in establishing her own small business.
Monia Kumari , Father’s name - Lilu Lohra , Trained in Skill - Self Employed Tailor , Place of Training - Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Ranchi , Parent Organization - Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur
Monia is the eldest daughter in the family; she has three sisters and a brother. Family lives in a rented room with parents. Her father Lilu Lohra works as a daily wage laborer in the construction sites and mother does house hold chores. Family earning is comparatively low to meet the requirements hence; Monia also started helping her mother in work. Many a times, Monia would help women (where she worked as domestic helper) in hair dye by applying Henna. Gradually Monia became expert in henna dye for hair. She developed interest in 'Beauty care services' but she required money to learn the skill. As Monia has interest in learning beautician course, she started talking to her neighbors regarding this. One day, a meeting was organized in her area by Field Coordinator Bandhan Hemrom. Monia came to know about this event and she attended this meeting. During this meeting she discussed with Bandhan Hemrom about her interest in learning Beautician Course. The moment she learnt about the ' free of cost' training in Jan Shikshan Sansthan, she was so thrilled and asked about the process of getting admission. For the year 2021-22 batches, she got enrolled for four months training on Assistant Beauty Therapist at free of cost. Monia completed the training successfully by continuing her job at others' houses. After completion of her 'Assistant Beauty Therapist' course, she started providing ' door to door' beautician services like – Hair Henna, massage, facial, eyebrow, hand henna etc. that provided her to earn extra money. After few days, Monia had opportunity to join Ladies Beauty Salon called Lady Line Beauty Salon at Harmu Tungritoli near to her home. She earns Rs.12, 000 per month. Her income increased and now she bears the expenses of her two younger sisters' education as well as she supports her parents too. Monia is Matric Pass, now she wishes to pursue higher education through distance education. She is satisfied with her hard work and thankful to Jan Shikshan Sansthan for changing her life.
Sunita Devi , Number of Poultry - 1 Cock and 4 Hens , village - Surkumi

This initiative implemented by the NGO was the distribution of 4 Hen and 1 Cock to the beneficiary Sunita Devi. One can clearly see the positive impact of this initiative on the home of a local family who had received four hens and one cock from the NGO. The family had set up a small coop provided by Vikas Bharti in their backyard and were taking care of the poultry with great enthusiasm. The hens produced eggs which not only provided a source of protein for the family but also generated additional income when sold in the local market. It was evident that the small intervention by the NGO had a significant impact on the lives of the people in the community. It is heartening to see how a simple initiative could positively impact the lives of those in need.
Birendra Mahali from Salam Nawatoli
Birendra a youngster landless poor villager was struggling to survive four years back was engaged in labour work in nearby places. In 2008 he attended Bamboo craft training programme organized by Vikas Bharti Bishunpur. After that he started making Bamboo items at domestic level. He found it very interesting and initiated making products which are marketable. In 2009 he started selling his products in nearby markets. Now he is in a position to make valuable diversified Bamboo items on regular basis. Raw material is easily available in Bishupur Block. He has found his market in Ghagra and Lohardaga town. At present his monthly income is around Rs 3000.00 by selling craft items.
Birjia Family knocking the door of Prosperity
Villagers of Beti Birjia Toli in Bishunpur Block are now in a position to show the world that determination and hard work can render fruits of development at the door step. There are many cases to depict but one of the special case is of Fulmani Birjia who is member of local self help group. In 2006 she planted 4 mango plants at her “Bari” land. She took care of the plants very patiently during the first year. In 2007 she sent her son and daughter in law to attend a training Programme on horticulture promotion at Vikas Bharti Bishunpur. After receiving the training they procured 36 plants of Mango, guava, Licchi etc. and planted at their Bari Land. The training Programme provided them the required information to ensure desired growth and plant protection measures. Fulmani inspired all the family members to work together and do something extraordinary. By the end of 2010 they have more than 110 fruit plants on their possession. She is also producing Groundnut and Urad as inter crop. The family's annual income is increasing by 20% every year.
Angenila Minz supplying Jamun Sirika to entire Jharkhand
Angenial Minz a resident of Bishunpur has been engaged in food processing activity since 2005. She has pioneered herself in preparing processed items. Her main products are jamun Sirika, Fruit Jam, Pickles, Honey and Satawar Jam. Sincere application of knowledge, determination and dedication are the main grounds of her success. She has built up a very good reputation in the local market. To upgrade herself with latest developments and to match the demand of market she is in continuously in touch with the experts of Vikas Bharti team. She procures raw material from Ranchi and nearby markets. Packaging is being done by her at home. Her products are spread in the markets of Lohardaga, Gumla and Ranchi Disctricts. She earns around Rs 3000.00 per month,during festive seasons the earning raises by 20 to 30%.Shushila Oraon well known for Pickle Making
Sushila who belongs to a poor family of sato village joined a newly formed women Self Help Group in the year 2008. She was a sincere group member who involved herself in every group activity. In 2009 she got an opportunity to attend a training programme on food processing organized by Vikas Bharti Bishunpur. She learnt to prepare different processing items such as jam, Jelly, Pickles, Papad etc. She started producing these items in small scale. Suddenly she found that her Pickles are generating good demand amongst her neighbors and relatives. Her relatives and family members instigated her to prepare it in large scale and sell it in the local market. By the end of 2009 she started preparing Mixed pickle, Oal pickle in large scale. Now she is earning Rs 25000 per year by selling pickles. Most importantly she is having no problem in marketing as the entire produce is being sold in the Bishunpur local market.
Spice Production splendid effort of Mr. Ranjit Bhagat
Ranjit Bhagat a resident of village Ambera, Block Bhandra, District Lohardaga had intrinsic outlook towards Spice cultivation. He was practicing it from long before in unscientific manner. By the facilitation of Vikas Bharti officials he started Ginger cultivation by procuring high yielding seeds. He very minutely performed the cultivation process following the guidelines and measures prescribed by the officials. For last two years Mr. Bhagat is earning more than Rs50000.00 by selling ginger only and he is stocking enough of seed for the next cultivation. He success has shown a new path for the farmers of the Block even good number of farmers from adjoining Blocks are visiting his field and getting information After the completion of training these trainees are provided with input support in the form of seeds, saplings and earth worms for vermin-culture. In the 42 villages, the women trained in vermi composting technology have produced 12,123 Kgs of vermin compost, the whole of which were sold.
During the reporting period, this unit of Vikas Bharti promoted 167 farmers (150 of whom were women belonging to the SHGs mentioned above) for kitchen garden development by proving them with saplings (35,340 units) and seeds (9.5 Kgs). It was found that these farmers have earned an average income of Rs 3500/- per head through these kitchen gardens. The income was relatively low due to lack of irrigation facilities and poor monsoon during the year. All the 100 SHGs are linked to banks and are engaged in income generating activities. Out of them 2 groups have poultry farms and another 3 runs PDS shops. Around 1267 families (out of which 1174 families were from tribal communities) were benefited by various income generation activities and training programmes organized by Mahila Udyan Vikas unit of the organization. Some of the major benefits of the activities carried out by this unit are as follows:
- Promotion of organic farming by increased use of vermi - compost instead of chemical fertilizers.
- Opening up income generating avenues like sale of vermi - compost, poultry, food processing, shops, etc.; thus reducing dependency on income from agriculture.
- Diversifying land use by promoting of cultivation of horticulture species and herbal plantations.
- Inculcating saving-credit habits and getting out of the clutches of exploitative money lenders in the area.
- Enhanced confidence of women who are members of the SHGs.
- Skill training of 390 youths (385 - Female and 5-Male) under Swarn Jayanti Swarojgar Yojna (SJSY) from 09-11-2010 to 31-03-2010 at Garu and Manika block of Latehar district.
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
This case study relates to the life of Manisha Pradhan who resides in the Khunti district of Jharkhand. Her parents are unskilled farmers and seasonal workers who don't earn enough to feed their family. Manisha has six siblings who all study in a village based school. She failed in her class 10 board exams. She never got proper education. The financial condition of the family was so weak that no proper guidance was provided to her before her board exams. Her mother always remained in a disturbed state of mind because her children were not getting a proper education and at the same time they could not afford to provide them the necessary condition for education. They could not even afford to buy notebooks and other stationeries. There came a certain point of time when Manisha actually surrendered her fate to God. She had no hopes left for her future.
She thought that her life in no more substantial and earnest. But her opinion towards life radically changed when she was taken up by Vikas Bharti as a student. Her life took a beautiful turn as she got the real meaning of education. She very well realized that it is only through education that she can fetch income for the family and provide a proper financial aid to her parents. Manisha is very grateful to Vikas Bharti & NRTT as it played a major role in transforming her life. She is very happy to find her new friends in the same institute who also belong to economically weak and underprivileged strata of the society. Now she has full belief in herself and the organization.
She also feels very privileged as the organization not only provides with food and basic necessities but also gives them an opportunity to take part in co-curricular activities. She became matriculate, by getting 65% marks from Jharkhand Academic Council. She gives the entire credit of getting of First Class to Vikas Bharti .Her aim is to be a nurse so that she can take care of the ailing people. At the same time she want to make her parents very proud of her abilities and wishes that they have a comfortable life in the near future.
Breaking the Shackles of Exploitation
In a sleepy, non-descript village under Bishunpur block of district Gumla lives an illiterate tribal woman, Kuner Birijiya. Her husband Bandha Birijiya has one acre of land on which they grow paddy. The paddy produced from the field is hardly sufficient for their family and both, Kuner and Bandha migrate to the cities in search of livelihood. They work as daily wage laborers in the cities to earn their living.
This was a story of Kuner Birijiya of Langra tanr village under Bishunpur block of Gumla district a year ago. But today she does not need to work as a daily wage laborer as she earns almost Rs.4000/- every month from selling vegetables and earns Rs.3000/- from selling vermi-compost. She now saves money for the future of her children.
The change in her life started when she was selected as a beneficiary for women Entrepreneurship Development Program implemented by Vikas Bharti. She was suggested to produce vermi-compost. She was advised to attend training for taking up vermi-compost production. At first she refused to come for the training as she was not literate and thought that training would involve written work. The representatives of the organization briefed her about the nature of training which was completely field based and involved no written work. Kuner was convinced and she attended the training. Soon after attending the training she started production of vermi-compost. She started using the compost in her field as well as sold the surplus compost to others. She produced Rs.6000/- worth of compost and by selling compost she earned Rs.3000/-. Her husband saw the benefit of this enterprise and received training on growing better varieties of vegetables from Vikas Bharti. He was also provided improved seeds the organization. Kuner and her husband now grow vegetables together. It has changed their life for better and given us an iota of hope.
Changing Lives through Alternative Education
This is a story of Mukesh Baitha, a child belonging to the schedule caste community, residing in a village named Nirasi in Bishunpur block of Gumla district. The story shows how Vikas Bharti’s education program was instrumental in changing his life. Mukesh, lived with his parents and two younger sisters. His father, Gulab Baitha, was a marginal farmer, who hardly has any land for agriculture purposes. Therefore most part of the year he has to move to the nearly urban areas for earning his livelihoods through wage labour.
Gulab used to live his family having his wife, two small daughters and Mukesh behind him. Gulab and his wife always wanted that their son, Mukesh should continue his studies and stand in his own feet after completion of his studies. Therefore in spite of all constrains and problems Gulab send his son Mukesh to the nearby government primary school. However Mukesh didn’t show any interest towards schooling and was quite irregular in attending classes. He was not attentive in the school as well and his teachers were always complaining to his mother. Gradually he stopped going to school and used to play with his friends all day long. Mukesh’s mother was very upset and worried about his son’s future.
During the same time she heard about the residential schools run by Vikas Bharti. She met one of the panchayat level workers of the organization and asked about the schools run by Vikas Bharti and the possibilities of her son getting into the school. The worker took her to the headmaster of one of the nearby schools run by the organization, named Jatra Tana Bhagat Vidya Mandir. She discussed the problem with him and expressed her desire to put her son into this school. After written application to the Secretary, he was enrolled in this school. As he belonged to a very poor family he got cent percent scholarship along with residential facilities in the school.
Mukesh was very hesitant to join the school. During the initial few days he had very little interaction with the other children as well as the teachers and thus remained cut-off. However gradually he realized that the life in Jatra Tana Bhagat Vidya Mandir was quite different from the government school where he earlier used to go. Besides studies, the daily routine of the school also comprised of play, creative works, yoga, prayer and cultural activities. He started liking these activities and started enjoying his stay in the school. He also felt that the teachers were very affectionate and were using various innovative methods to teach various subjects. The teachers were also using local dialect for teaching. Gradually he started grasping the academic dimension of his curriculum. His attitude towards studies became very positive and he was counted amongst the good students in the school.
Mukesh studies in Jatra Tana Bhagat Vidya Mandir from Class II to Class IV. Thereafter he got admission into the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Gumla. Presently he is studying very hard to get through his matriculation exams. This is a unique example were the students who were disinterested towards the formal government schools were nurtured through innovative and joyful methods and mainstreamed into the formal education system. There are many such examples like Mukesh, who were able to continue their schooling due to the educational initiatives of the organization. Our schools have proved to be a feeder schools for the KGVB residential schools. A number of girls have spent a couple of years in our centers and have been capacitated to a level where they can get admission into the KGVB residential school. Our education model has not only made the whole learning process joyful but has also enriched it through linkages with livelihood skills and value education.
Quenching Mother Nature’s Thirst
Looking at the green hills and the lush vegetation in and around the villages in Bishunpur block of Gumla District it is hard to believe that there can be dearth of water for horticulture plantation in the area. But, a closer observation and discussion with the farmers would establish the fact that, indeed, there is a scarcity of water in the area. This scarcity is worsened with low rainfall and high run off loss in the area.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Vikas Bharti Bishunpur through benchmarking survey and use of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tools identified this problem of water scarcity in the area. The challenge was to ensure water for the horticulture plantations as well as vegetable crops in a cost-effective way. Farm ponds have been used earlier for this purpose but big farm ponds which harvested rain water were not feasible here as the farmers did not have large land holdings. Another problem with the farm pond was seepage of water. Although this could be solved to some extent through packing the floor of the farm pond with stones but it was not cost effective.
Finally, the scientists of KVK decided to try out a new design of farm pond. This farm pond was more like a ditch than a pond as it had a dimension of 3mx1mx1m. To prevent seepage of water polyethylene sheets were used to cover the floor. The structure was named “Jal Kund”. The plan was to dig series of “Jal Kunds” in the land of a beneficiary farmer to store runoff water. Water could also be pumped in these ponds from a nearby river.
When this design was shared with the farmers then they agreed to use this design. The polyethene sheets were provided to the beneficiaries. Farmers were also able to grow vegetables on the bund of the pond. Presently, this design of farm pond has been adopted by farmers in three districts of the State, namely, Gumla, Latehar and Lohardaga. The farmers who are using this pond have reported increase in crop production, vegetable production and better survival rate of horticultural species
Way of Income Generation : Helarose Toppo
“My name is Helarose Toppo; I belong to Latehar district. I have taken training in 2008 under Yuva Jyoti. I want to see myself as a good motor-cycle mechanic. With the help of Vikas Bharti and State Bank of India-Chandwa branch I opened my own shop. At the beginning some of the motor -cycle mechanics tried to create problems for me. Then it was very difficulties for me to survive, but now my earnings have reached to Rs.4000-5000 due to Vikas Bharti's support”.
Adolescent’s Outlook
I Lili Kandeer daughter of Sri Benjamin Kandeer is a resident of village Chendagutu under Murhu Block of Khunti district of Jharkhand. I had to discontinue my education in the year 2011 after I appeared in the matriculation examination from St. Xavier’s High School Sarwada and declared fail. I was very much frustrated and dejected at that time. I lost my self belief and decided to engage myself in domestic work. My parents were quite upset as they continued my education till 10th level facing all kinds of hardship. My father usually works in other’s agriculture field to sustain our livelihood. My parent’s didnot agree to second opportunity to appear in the matriculation Examination.
I understood their situation and decided to put an end to my dreams. Surprisingly I came into the contact of Vikas bharti’s officials when they were motivating girls to enrol themselves in a new initiative “to restart education” under Punararambha Programme. I told parents about the same who happily agreed to admit me in the hostel at Ranchi.The facilities of gaining academic knowledge, vocational training and sources of entertainment offered are something which I had never experienced in the past.
After few months I realized that my lost confidence is back. I very seriously concentrated in my studies right from the beginning and appeared in the matriculation examination and got first division with 61% marks. The ambiance and learning environment was wonderful at the Punararambha Centre at Ranchi. Extracurricular activities and personality development programmes provided opportunities before us to become good human being together it inculcated new thoughts and power to establish ourselves in future. I desperately want to continue my education and will take admission in inter college Torpa, Khunti for higher studies. I am very much grateful to Vikas Bharti Bishunpur for providing me such a wonderful opportunity.